Understanding the Data Encryption Standard (DES): Key Scheduling and Decryption Process

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key algorithm used for the encryption of digital data. Developed in the 1970s, DES has been foundational in the field of cryptography. This article will delve into the DES encryption algorithm, key scheduling process, and the decryption process, providing a comprehensive understanding of how data is securely encrypted and decrypted.

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The DES Encryption Algorithm

The DES algorithm takes an input of 64-bit plain text and converts it into 64-bit cipher text through a series of well-defined steps:

  1. Initial Permutation (IP): The 64-bit plain text undergoes an initial permutation to rearrange the bits.
  2. Sixteen Rounds of Operations: The permuted data is then processed through 16 rounds of complex operations involving substitution and permutation. Each round uses a different 48-bit round key.
  3. 32-bit Swap: A swap operation is performed on the resulting 64-bit data.
  4. Inverse Initial Permutation (IP^-1): The swapped data undergoes an inverse permutation to produce the final 64-bit cipher text.

Processing 64-bit Input into 64-bit Output through the Round Function

The core of the DES encryption process lies in its round function, which processes the 64-bit input through the following steps:

  1. Splitting: The 64-bit input is divided into two 32-bit halves, denoted as L and R.
  2. Expansion Permutation: The right half (R) is expanded to 48 bits using an expansion permutation.
  3. Key Mixing: The expanded R is XORed with the 48-bit round key.
  4. Substitution: The result is divided into eight 6-bit blocks, each of which is substituted using a fixed S-box to produce eight 4-bit blocks, resulting in a 32-bit output.
  5. Permutation: This 32-bit output undergoes a permutation.
  6. XOR and Swap: The permuted output is XORed with the left half (L), and the halves are swapped. This process repeats for 16 rounds.

The Key Scheduling Process

Key scheduling in DES involves generating 16 unique round keys from the original 64-bit key. This is crucial for ensuring the complexity and security of the encryption process.

Conversion of the 64-bit Original Key to the 56-bit Effective Key

The original DES key is 64 bits long but only 56 bits are used in the encryption process. The conversion process is as follows:

  1. Permuted Choice 1 (PC-1): The 64-bit key undergoes a permutation, reducing it to 56 bits by discarding every 8th bit (parity bits). This results in a 56-bit effective key.

Generation of the 48-bit Round Key in the Critical Scheduling Process

The 56-bit effective key is then used to generate the 48-bit round keys:

  1. Splitting: The 56-bit key is split into two 28-bit halves.
  2. Left Circular Shift: Each half undergoes a left circular shift, which is either one or two bit positions depending on the round number.
  3. Permuted Choice 2 (PC-2): The shifted halves are combined and permuted to produce a 48-bit round key. This process is repeated to generate a total of 16 round keys, one for each round of the DES algorithm.

The Decryption Process in DES

Decryption in DES is essentially the reverse of the encryption process. It involves converting the cipher text back into plain text by reversing the steps of the encryption process.

The Decryption Process by Reversing the Round Keys

The primary difference between DES encryption and decryption lies in the order of the round keys. For decryption:

  1. Initial Permutation (IP): The 64-bit cipher text undergoes the initial permutation.
  2. Sixteen Rounds of Operations: The data is processed through 16 rounds, but the round keys are used in reverse order (K16, K15, …, K1).
  3. 32-bit Swap: The resulting data is swapped.
  4. Inverse Initial Permutation (IP^-1): The swapped data undergoes the inverse initial permutation, producing the 64-bit plain text.


The DES algorithm, with its intricate key scheduling and decryption process, has been a cornerstone of data encryption for decades. Understanding the conversion of a 64-bit key into effective 56-bit and 48-bit round keys is crucial for grasping the security mechanisms underlying DES. While modern cryptographic standards have surpassed DES in complexity and security, the fundamental principles of DES remain integral to the study of cryptography.

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